ezumi.xyz It`s Been a While | ezumi.xyz

It`s Been a While

So I haven’t been using this website as much as I expected to. Mainly because I’ve been so busy with other things. But that’s not the only reason…

I started this website so I could say whatever I wanted. The problem I’ve found is that even though I have a lot I want to say, I can’t seem to write it all down in a way that I’m satisfied with. I have many things that I started to write down with the intention of posting on here, but every single time I’m dissatisfied with the end result and scrap the whole thing.

So I figured, fuck it. I need to break out of this paralysis and start writing down my thoughts like I set out to do in the first place. Even if I’m not 100% happy with what I end up putting on the page.

Expect a lot more from me here in the near future.